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Wig Management 101 for Cosplayers

So you've decided to Cosplay a character whose hair is totally opposite of yours. You don't want to dye or cut your own hair so you buy a wig. I strongly recommend this over the alternative of dyeing disasters (which I've lived through, it was not pretty).


Amazon is the go to for that perfect piece to your cosplay but be careful when it comes to wigs. Of course alterations can be done later, which is coming up in this article, but check the quality before you buy.


I just purchased a Princess Peach wig for my next cosplay to put nicely was on the very low end of quality. When your wig is more plastic than actual hair it has a noticeable shine and is obviously a wig. The trick is fabric softener. I picked mine up at a dollar store so it's an inexpensive hack for cosplay on a tight budget. Fill your sink with luke warm water and add the softener in under the running water. Allow your wig to soak for at least 30 minutes or longer if it is still damaged looking.


Buying a higher quality wig from the beginning will save you a head ache especially if heat can be applied. If you're not sure your wig can stand heat try a test strip underneath first. I've taken a flat iron to a wig before testing and singed half of it. The good news is, if your wig can not be heat treated to style there are alternative methods.

If you need curls or flips you can wet your wig twist or flip the areas you need and hold it in place with bobby pins or hair ties. Allow the wig to dry with the fasteners in it and when it's time to use the style will stick with added hair spray.

Hope this was helpful and good luck on your next cosplay!

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